Monday, July 20, 2009

Latest in Anti-Aging: EAT LESS!!!

Live Longer by Cutting Calories

Still searching for the fountain of youth? You may want to focus on portion control instead. Eliminating just 300 calories a day slows signs of aging and could be the key to living longer, reports a new study published in Rejuvenation Research. An internal clock tells the body’s cells when to naturally fizzle out, show age, and eventually send us six feet under. But researchers at Harvard University found two genes in our cells that act as gatekeepers for our longevity: When these genes experience certain kinds of stress—such as calorie restriction—they ramp up their activity and actually stop cellular aging. Another reason to pass on that second helping!

—Nicole Duncan@ Natural solutions

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

More Comfortable on Long-Distance Drives--Try a Lumbar Machine

thanks to Massage Magazine June 2006

Use of a Lumbar Massage Unit while driving reduces muscle fatigue, so researchers say.

Researchers at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, evaluated the effects of three different lumbar massage systems on low-back pain caused by prolonged periods of time spent driving an automobile. "The effects of Lumbar Massage on Muscle Fatigue, Muscle Oxygenation, Low Back Discomfort, and Driver Performance during Prolonged Driving" tested roller, mechanical,a nd pneumatic massage devices.

According to the authors, low-back pain is common in occupations requiring prolonged driving. This study measured lumbar and thoracic erector spinae muscle fatigue, oxygenation, blood flow and driver discomfort and performance during a one-hour driving task in which the massage devices were used. Eight volunteers (4 men and 4 women) performed eight testing sessions each, in which they drove in a simulator around an oval course using a car seat with one of the three massage devices or a car seat without a massage device. Each type of car seat was used twice by each subject.

The roller massage unit moved horizontal metal rods in a vertical direction along the lumbar region of the seat and could be felt by the seat occupant. The mechanical unit consisted of a flexible support that curved toward the lumbar region cyclically with a random sloping distance. The pneumatic device inflated or deflated tow bladders, one that provided dynamic support. To measure the effects, the researchers used electromyography (EMG), near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), a thermometer, and subject-reported ratings of perceived discomfort (RPD).

The results indicate beneficial effects from all three massage units as shown by the temperature measures, NIRS adn RPD, although many of the EMG findings were not statisically significant. Other differences between the massage devices were statisitically insignificant. the authors note that increases in skin temperature suggest that massage has the potential to prevent or decrease erector spinai muscle fatigue. they also note that prolonged driving may cause static loading of passive lumbar spine structures and the massage devices may prenent this loading.

In conclusion, the authors state, "These mechanical devices appear to contribute to reduced discomfort levels, increases in muscle oxygenation and blood flow and the prevention of muscle fatigue during prolonged sitting with no negative impact of driver performance."

High Blood Pressure??? Try Swedish Massage

thanks to Massage Magazine's April issue

Sixteen healthy males were given massage treatment at the Karolinski Hospital, Stockholm, Sweeden. The participants were randomized to receive massage either on back, neck and chest (BNC) or on leg, arm, and face (LAF). The 12-week treatment was divided into three four-week periods, two consisting of massage treatment on either BNF or LAF, and one consisting of no treatment in between the other two periods. Blood pressure was measured after a five-minute rest period before and after each massage session.

During the two massage-treatment periods, participants received two 30-minute massages each week. At the beginning of each session, they lay face-down and later changed position to lie on their backs. The BNC group received massage on their backs for 17 minutes, chest for 7 minutes, and neck for 6 minutes. Massage was given to the LAF group on legs and feet for 17 minutes, arm and hands for 4 1/2 minutes, and face for 4 minutes. Classical music and massage lotion were used in all massage sessions.

During the period when no massage was administered, the participants were asked not to participate in any similar treatment, but to continue normal daily activities.

Systolic blood pressure decreased directly after each massage session in the first treatment period, but no significant changes were seen in diastolic blood pressure. In the second treatment period, BNC massage decreased systolic and diastolic blood pressure, whereas LAF massage increased systolic blood pressure. (Systolic and diastolic refer to the contraction phase and the relaxation phase of the heart, respectively.)

The authors state that the decrease in blood pressure after massage on the BNC may have been due to sympathetic inhibition and that BNC massage would be more likely to affect the parasympathetic nervous system. They conclude that "It may be suggested that massage may be tried as a complementary therapy in patients suffering from increased blood pressure due to stress."

Can Vitamin Bs help you Deal with Stress???

Originally published at

A total 41% of American workers interviewed reported an increase in work stress on their jobs compared to a year earlier. Another poll taken among Americans showed that more than one half of the respondents (58%) reported having experienced insomnia at least a few nights a week. This is a trend in American health, where we are seeing many common psychological problems such as stress and insomnia moving to an epidemic stage (epidemic means 1 in 4 have the ailment).

Why have these psychological problems reached epidemic numbers? There are many reasons for stress, insomnia, restlessness and anxiety, such as significant personal events, like losing a job, marital problems, money worries and generally worrying. Other causes can include physical illness that causes pain, depression, shift work, caffeine or alcohol consumption, and medication side-effects. Each one is a drain on your nutritional support system, this is a scientific fact.

The drain on your nutritional support system is the common thread here which runs through all of these problems. What do I mean when I say drain on your nutritional support system? I mean that each one of those problems burns up large amounts of your B vitamins and minerals. Those B vitamins and minerals are your nutritional support and if they get low the problems you are experiencing will seem to grow in number and severity.

That nutritional support system is the foundation from which you handle everyday problems. When that foundation is supporting you; you feel more confident and you handle your everyday troubles and crises with ease and consideration. If you are not supported, you may handle the problem, but you feel the physical and emotional drain on your body and mind. Then where is the next problem/crises coming from; this is the modern world with plenty of them to spare, you need support.

Are you experiencing some of the symptoms of a drained nutritional support system, stress, anxiety, insomnia or restlessness? Well do not expect your body to run trouble free without replacing the nutrition in that system. Not replenishing that system is like expecting your car to run without oil. Look below at the different B vitamins and see the symptoms you can acquire due to their deficiencies, all scientifically proven.

Why can’t we just get our vitamins from our diet? You just have to look around you to see the evidence that the majority of Americans have no idea what a good diet. At every turn in our society we are, in fact, encouraged to eat foods that have almost no nutritional value by the media. Most markets do not offer us much of a choice. The food is refined, irradiated or poorly grown at the farm; all three destroying the nutritional value of the food. The very people who are supposed to protect our health instead defend the manufacturer and spin the information so much they are confusing. They even make laws to stop anyone from saying that to eat certain whole foods might prevent or cure you of many diseases, even though it is true.

I have been involved with naturopathic medicine and nutrition for over 20 years and I find it difficult to find whole foods that are truly nutritional in any market or restaurant. The odds are stacked against you having any better luck than I do. So I supplement to make sure that I keep a balance of B vitamins and minerals beyond what I eat and I suggest you do the same thing. Why allow yourself and your family to be caught up in the same health crisis you see everywhere today.

Important Note: Basic law of nature and another scientific fact (see article, “The Truth About Vitamins”), if your B Stress formula is not from food you cannot absorb it! It is a big basic law of nature; we depend on plants for our nutrition. If your vitamin supplement does not say the words somewhere on the label “Whole Food Vitamins”, “Made From Whole Foods” or “Food Vitamins”. Do not waste your money on it because it is synthetic and you cannot absorb it.

Below Is What Your Stress B Vitamin Supplement Should Contain In A Whole Food Form. Plus, The Problems A Deficiency Of Each Vitamin And Mineral Can Cause.

Vitamin A
Essential, either directly or indirectly, for the proper functioning of most organs of the body” and may prevent stress-induced immunological disorders.

Vitamin C
If, you are not getting enough vitamin C you may be tired, you may bruise easily, and you may just feel generally ill.

Thiamin B-1
Thiamin supplements have been shown to improve mood and mental function and to relieve stress and muscle tension.

Riboflavin B-2
People today have an increased need for Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin) in stressful situations and it is the most common of vitamin deficiencies. Highly beneficial, for anxiety, stress, and fatigue.

Niacinamide B-3 (called the happy vitamin)
A, deficiency of this vitamin can cause depression. Left untreated, it can lead to psychosis and dementia. Symptoms of a deficiency include agitation, anxiety, and mental lethargy.

Vitamin B-6
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) levels are typically quite low in depressed patients, especially women taking birth-control pills or other forms of estrogens.

Depression is the most common symptom of a folic acid deficiency. Other symptoms of folic acid deficiency are: fatigue, apathy, and dementia.

Recent studies have shown that there is a definite benefit to be gained by giving vitamin B12 to patients suffering from depression, fatigue and mental illnesses of other kinds. Even a slight deficiency of B12 is found to produce marked symptoms.

Low levels can lead to sleep disturbances headaches, gastrointestinal distress and fatigue.

Necessary for cell growth, the production of fatty acids and the metabolism of fats and amino acids. It plays a role in the Citric acid cycle, which is the process by which biochemical energy is generated.

Dr. Bernard Jensen wrote, “Magnesia, an inorganic substance,…is actually a combination of oxygen and magnesium….Man must have the biochemic (organic) form—food magnesium—rather than the inorganic form…The patient who is highly nervous, excitable, overly emotional and erratic in actions needs magnesium as a sedative”.

A deficiency of zinc will depress the immune system and leave you at higher risk of infection.

Deficiencies of potassium can lead to behavioral disturbances

The supplement is touted as beneficial for mood, mental acuity and heart health.

Studies have found that it also may help patients who suffer from depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Deficiency symptoms include fatigue, irritability, depression, nervousness, headache, constipation, and other digestive disorders.

Example Of A Nutritional Herbal Formula For Stress, Insomnia, Restlessness, And Anxiety. Also Helps Maintain Your Nutritional Support System. Can Be Taken With B Stress Supplements.

In wild crafted or organic form this herbal formula is nourishing, tranquilizing and anti-spasmodic in action. It is designed to encourage composure while reducing anxiety, tension and stress. It is intended to help calm down, rest, relax, sedate and relieve nervous tension and muscle spasm. Listed below are each of the herbs and their benefits and safety.

Important Note: If your herbal supplement does not say that it is organic or wild crafted then it could be grown anywhere under less then healthy conditions. This is one area where the government rigorously enforces the law and so does the herbal industry.

The information given here is based on thousands of years of traditional safe use.

Black Cohosh root
Used as a tonic for the central nervous system and is regarded as a nervine. It is an excellent, safe sedative for nervous disorders, and is put in many nerve combinations.

Valerian root
Used for over a 1000 years to calm all kinds of nervous disorders. In centuries past it was taken as often as coffee in Europe. Called “Nature’s Tranquilizer”; because it calms the nerves without the side effects of comparable orthodox drugs.

Blue Cohosh root
Blue Cohosh may be used in cases where an anti-spasmodic is called for and it can also calm frazzled

nerves and relieve anxiety.

Wild Yam root
Wild yam acts as a sedative on the nerves governing muscles which relax the stomach walls and abdominal area. Wild yam is very relaxing and soothing to the nerves of people who suffer from anxiety.

Hops flower
Am excellent nerve tonic that is fast acting where insomnia and nightmares are a problem. Hops are an excellent food source of B 3 known as the happy vitamin.

Passion Flower herb
Used to soothe the nervous system without the side effects of depression or disorientation. Encourages deep restful sleep without morning hangover effects.

Skullcap herb
Relaxes nervous tension, induces calm and counteracts sleeplessness. Has shown itself to be excellent for breaking addictions and easing problems associated with drug withdrawal.

Lobelia herb & seed
Known, to be a powerful physical relaxant, affecting the nervous system. It is considered one of the strongest and safest relaxants in the herbal kingdom.

Chamomile flower
Is best known as a soothing digestive tonic which is sedative in nature and used for calming the nerves and inducing sleep.

Wood Betony herb
Is calming to the nerves, sooths tension, tones stomach and a remedy for chronic headaches.

Suggested Guidelines: Not recommended if pregnant, nursing, or if currently taking prescription or over the counter medications. Consult with a qualified healthcare professional if condition persists or increases.

For a personal evaluation, Colleen Gagliardi, ND and Whole Body Balance can help you.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Chiropractic for kids???


Chiropractors for kids: Could working on a child’s back help more than just aches and pains?

Some D.C. area parents say yes!

31-year-old Marietta Watts is concerned her five-month-old baby, Hugh, is going to develop asthma and allergies. So right after he was born, she took him to the chiropractor.

“His dad does have asthma, did have asthma as a child and I had allergies as a child as well, so. It could be hereditary but if we can prevent it, we will,“ she said.

Watts is part of a growing number of parents taking their children to chiropractors. A recent National Institutes of Health report found that three percent of American children were cared for by a chiropractor, making it the 2nd most common type of alternative medicine for children.

“Parents should bring their kids regardless if there’s something wrong or not,“ said Natasha Smith, who is a chiropractor.

Natasha Smith says manipulating a child’s spine or giving “adjustments” can help with more than just back problems. She believes it can cure chronic ear infections, allergies, colds, even bed wetting and problems with sleep.

“Our main goal, our main function is to remove any nervous interference that affects the body’s ability to heal. So with all of our patients, that is our goal. We are just assessing the spine, feeling for any type of misalignments,“ Natasha Smith said.

She also says when the nerves along the spine become compressed, that can cause problems in other parts of the body, even other organs.

“Once you remove that spinal misalignment that’s putting pressure at the nerve, the nerve is then able to function better, so as a result of the nerve functioning better, you’re able to supply those muscles, organs in the body better and therefore overall, feel a lot better,“ she said.

While a 2007 safety review found that injuries were rare, some medical experts worry that one wrong move could seriously injure a child.

“The biggest concern that I have is that some chiropractors, probably all chiropractors are trained to do high velocity movements, but I think that some chiropractors have used them on children and that’s very, very dangerous,“ Dr. Sally Evans, a pediatrician, said.

Dr. Sally Evans from Children’s National Medical Center says since a child’s ligaments are more flexible, some types of sudden, quick movements could cause spinal cord injuries.

But Smith says, she’s very gentle when it comes to working with children. The amount of pressure she applies to the back is similar to how a person would feel a ripe tomato.

“I believe that if there is a way that you can treat a child or treat a person non conventionally, in the sense of using medicine, why not try it?,“ she said.

Doctors say that if you are going to bring your child to the chiropractor, make sure that the person is board certified.

There are some chiropractors who specialize in working with children. Dr. Peter Scher at Whole Body Balance treats patients 5 and up.

New Problems with Spinal Fusion

original source: NY Times

A new study links the bone growth agent in the Medtronic Infuse Bone Graft to life-threatening problems after neck surgery, where it may cause swelling that makes it difficult to breath. This can lead to an emergency tracheotomy or death.

The U.S. Department of Justice is investigating the actions of Medtronic, Inc. and their off-label promotion of this product in violation of federal law.

While the Infuse Bone Graft is only approved for use in the lower lumbar spine, it has been widely used off-label in the cervical spine which has been associated with life–threatening problems, such as:
  • Difficulty Breathing
  • Difficulty Swallowing
  • Difficulty Speaking
  • Swelling of the Neck
  • Compression of Airways
  • Nerve Damage
  • Death

The close proximity of the cervical spine to the airway has caused a number of serious complications associated with use of the Medtronic Infuse bone graft in the cervical spine or neck fusions.

The FDA issued a warning to healthcare providers in July 2008 highlighting at least 38 reports of cervical spine fusion problems with the bone morphogenetic protein in the Medtronic Infuse. The serious and life-threatening complications caused by airway compression have required a number of patients to receive respiratory support, tracheotomies, insertion of feeding tubes anti-inflammatory medications and additional surgery.

A number of Medtronic Infuse lawsuits have been filed on behalf of individuals who experienced problems with breathing and swallowing that developed days or weeks following their neck surgery.

In November 2008, the U.S. Department of Justice initiated an investigation into the actions of Medtronic, Inc., and whether they actively promoted and marketed the Medtronic Infuse bone graft for use in the cervical spine. While doctors are allowed to use FDA approved medical devices for non-approved purposes, the manufacturer is not allowed to promote or encourage such uses that they have not established as safe and effective.

The Medtronic Infuse bone graft is a man-made liquid bone graft that includes a biologically engineered protein called bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), made by Wyeth.

The bone stimulator is used to encourage bone growth and replace damaged spinal disks by filling the gaps between vertebrae. The Infuse is soaked in a sponge-like material and implanted between spinal vertebrae, enclosed in a metallic cage.

Since it was approved by the FDA in 2002, the Medtronic bone graft has been widely used during spinal fusions and has generated sales of over $3 billion.

Most of the Medtronic Infuse bone stimulator complications have occurred within 2 to 14 days after surgery as the neck swells, compressing the airway and nerves.

According to research previously presented by a group of North Carolina surgeons, the Medtronic Infuse cervical spine complication rate is about 59%, compared with a complication rate of 21% for bone grafts or collagen used in conventional cervical spine fusions.

The new study, conducted by researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, was published June 30 in The The Journal of the American Medical Association and found that Medtronic Infuse and other products use a bioengineered bone growth protein called BMP that appears to be the cause of the higher incidence of neck surgery problems when they are used during cervical spinal fusion procedures to correct neck pains.

The study looked at both Medtronic Infuse, and a Stryker product called OP-1 Putty, which is used in a very limited number of patients where other spinal fusion methods are not an option.

Use of BMP has become popular because it allows bone to heal faster after surgery. It also tends to require less repeat surgeries, and doctors do not have to harvest the bone from other parts of the body, such as the hip.

The study found that patients who received bioengineered proteins in upper spinal fusion procedures suffered a complication rate of 7 percent; 50 percent higher than those who did not. When used on lower spinal, or lumbar, fusion procedures, there was no increase in complications, however.

Researchers say the rate of complication is probably higher, because the study only looked at patients who suffered complications while still in the hospital recovering from surgery. Many patients likely had complications after they left the hospital that went unreported.

Editors Note: Safe, natural, effective chiropractic care should always be the first choice for spinal problems. Proper spinal health care can reduce or eliminate the need for risky invasive procedures utilizing drugs and surgery.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Seniors Benefit From Massage

Massage, which benefits people of all ages, can be a useful therapy for seniors in treating and managing a wide range of conditions. Massage therapy improves circulation and lymphatic flow, and helps maintain mobility.

It decreases inflammation and can help alleviate muscle pain, stiffness and cramping. It improves muscle and skin tone, and enhances feelings of calmness and well-being. And, "it's very social," says massage therapist Shauna Sky Romano, director/ owner of Love2Move High Performance Coaching and Movement Education Centre, which offers massage therapy as one of its services.

According to Sky Romano, it's important for older adults to find a good massage therapist who works with seniors and will address any health concerns they might have. "There are great therapists who can work with all kinds of contraindications and still give the benefits of massage, which is really important," she says.

Calgary Herald, Calgary, AB, Canada, June 29

Weight Loss

Massage Magazine put out a very interesting article on the connection between weight loss and vitamin D levels

Vitamin D levels in the body at the start of a low-calorie diet predict weight loss success, a new study found. The results, which suggest a possible role for vitamin D in weight loss, were presented at The Endocrine Society's 91st Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.

"Vitamin D deficiency is associated with obesity, but it is not clear if inadequate vitamin D causes obesity or the other way around," said the study's lead author, Shalamar Sibley, MD, MPH, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Minnesota.

In this study, the authors attempted to determine whether baseline vitamin D levels before calorie restriction affect subsequent weight loss. They measured circulating blood levels of vitamin D in 38 overweight men and women before and after the subjects followed a diet plan for 11 weeks consisting of 750 calories a day fewer than their estimated total needs. Subjects also had their fat distribution measured with DXA (bone densitometry) scans.

On average, subjects had vitamin D levels that many experts would consider to be in the insufficient range, according to Sibley.

However, the authors found that baseline, or pre-diet, vitamin D levels predicted weight loss in a linear relationship. For every increase of 1 ng/mL in level of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol—the precursor form of vitamin D and a commonly used indicator of vitamin D status—subjects ended up losing almost a half pound (0.196 kg) more on their calorie-restricted diet. For each 1-ng/mL increase in the active or "hormonal" form of vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol), subjects lost nearly one-quarter pound (0.107 kg) more.

Additionally, higher baseline vitamin D levels (both the precursor and active forms) predicted greater loss of abdominal fat.

"Our results suggest the possibility that the addition of vitamin D to a reduced-calorie diet will lead to better weight loss," Sibley said.

She cautioned, however, that more research is needed. "Our findings," she said, "need to be followed up by the right kind of controlled clinical trial to determine if there is a role for vitamin D supplementation in helping people lose weight when they attempt to cut back on what they eat."

Here at Whole Body Balance, we offer a variety of holistic ways to assist you with weight loss: Cold Laser, a very successful coupling of Naturopathic Medicine and Cold Laser, and Acupuncture.