Doctors in Ancient China were paid only as long as their patients were healthy. As soon as the patient fell ill, payment to their doctors stopped. Chinese medicine still has a tremendous emphasis on the preventative aspect of medicine.
Flu season is burgeoning. With the recent swine flu epidemic, it is now, more than ever, important to know how to take care of ourselves and keep ourselves healthy. We all know that exercise, fresh air, and whole foods are key factors in supporting our immune system, but did you know that Chinese Medicine can also be a tool in the fight against colds and flu? Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can be a valuable resource in the prevention of colds and flu and can also help us recover from them quickly.
It has been determined that acupuncture is effective in boosting the immune system. It is possible to use acupuncture to prevent colds and flu from happening altogether or to prevent them from becoming full-blown infections. If you're feeling relatively healthy, it is advisable to come for acupuncture once a month during cold and flu season to strengthen your immune system. If you are prone to infections, you may want to come in 2 or 3 times a month to keep yourself from getting sick. When people around you are getting sick, while you are receiving acupuncture, your body is better able to fight off illnesses and remain healthy.
If you do happen to catch a cold or the flu, acupuncture and Chinese herbs can help lessen the severity and hasten you recovery. A visit to the acupuncturist at the first signs of a cold or flu can repair immunity and fight symptoms so your body can fight an infections.